Submission guidelines

Journal of Time Use Research

The Journal of Time Use Research (JTUR) is an online, open-access, peer-reviewed journal published by the International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR). JTUR was formerly the electronic International Journal of Time Use Research (eIJTUR), and papers published in eIJTUR Volumes 1-13 are available to read and download from the JTUR website. New articles accepted by JTUR will appear online when ready.

JTUR welcomes submissions from any discipline on topics relating to the use of time. These may be theoretical, methodological, or empirical, and will primarily use, or relate to, data collected in time use surveys. Time use surveys collect data using a variety of methods including hand-completed time-diary instruments, day-reconstruction telephone interviews, internet/online time-diaries, or using applications developed for mobile devices. Submissions using measures of time use collected with other methods such as survey questions may be considered suitable provided there is a strong rationale for this (e.g. no national time use data is available).

JTUR now also accepts time use data papers. Datasets are now considered as scholarly products. As such, it is of paramount importance for their authors to be able to:

- Communicate about the existence of their datasets.

- Be credited, recognized, and cited (citable reference with a DOI).

- Make it easy to find and re-use their datasets

Data papers are a new kind of peer reviewed scientific papers that aim to do so in a standardized framework. Data papers thoroughly describe datasets and do not usually include any interpretation or discussion (an exception may be discussions of different methods to collect the data).

JTUR will only consider data papers that describe time use related data (new surveys, harmonized surveys, enriched existing surveys, etc.).

JTUR uses a double-blind refereeing process for both research and data papers.    

Manuscripts may range between 5000-8000 words in length including the body text, figures, tables, references, and footnotes, but excluding the abstract. Manuscripts exceeding the upper word limit will not be sent for review.

We encourage authors to consider submitting shorter manuscripts at the lower end of the word count range. These might be concise descriptive reports of results from new data, or from analyses not reported elsewhere perhaps linked to a larger study. They could be replications of results reported elsewhere using data from another country or time period. Generally, shorter papers will place less emphasis on theoretical framing or substantive motivation, though this will not be absent, with the emphasis placed more on setting out the original empirical contribution of the paper. JTUR will not make a qualitative distinction between shorter and longer research articles, but authors must state clearly the contribution their paper makes to the field irrespective of its length.

Papers should be submitted to


Preparing your research article

The entire manuscript should be typed double-spaced in font size 12, with margins of 2.54 cm on all sides of the page, using MS Word or similar software. Manuscripts prepared using LaTeX may be submitted also. JTUR will not process PDFs. In order to foster reproducible research, we recommend authors to consider using literate programming tools such as  R markdown, Quarto, MyST, Stata Markdown, etc. to produce their word manuscript.

Organise your manuscript in the following order:

 ·        Title page, to include:

             Full title of paper

             Running header

             Full name(s) of author(s) (indicate corresponding author with an *)

             Contact details (provide an email address for all authors; mailing address for corresponding author only)

             Date of submission

             Abstract (maximum 200 words)

             Key words, all lowercase (maximum 5)

             JEL key words (optional)


·      Main body text will include the title and the following major sections: 1) introduction; 2) theoretical/motivational background; 3) materials and methods; 4) results; and 5) discussion and conclusion. These headings are suggestions only. Use numbered subheadings to organise material within each major section (e.g. 3.2 Measures). If the material in a single section can be organised under a single heading then there is no need for a separate subheading. Use that heading for the major section. Place all numbered tables and figures (1, 2, 3…) in text, not at the end. Use footnotes (numbers 1, 2) sparingly, and never for referencing. If the text is important for understanding the paper then consider including it in the main body text (footnotes are included in the word count).

·      Acknowledgements and funders

·      References (see below for formatting): authors may include references to their own work both in the text and in the reference list, but when referring to the work in the text avoid stating or implying that the citation is the previous work of any author. Where this unavoidable, use Author 1 (Author 2 etc.) for in-text citations, and do not include in the reference list.

Tables and figures

Tables and figures should have a concise title and be comprehensible to the reader without reference to the text. Provide details about the source and any explanatory notes below each table and figure. For numbers in tables use the decimal point and not comma to indicate decimals (234.56 not 254,56). Use commas to mark thousands (1,254.56). Align numbers on the decimal point. Use only horizontal lines in tables. If excel or other spreadsheet can be used to make tables, we recommend authors to produce their tables dynamically (eg. by using R markdown, Quarto,  MyST, Stata Markdown, etc).

Ensure that graphs or other figures are comprehensible when not printed in colour. Although JTUR publishes online, many readers may print articles in black and white. Provide high-resolution figures in PNG, EPS, JPG, or TIFF format. Excel or other spreadsheet graphs are not accepted: they should be produced using a statistical package (eg. Stata or SPSS) or a programming language (eg. R or Python). The Editors may request the data used to reproduce one or more graphs in the paper in consultation with the author(s).

Style notes

Write manuscripts consistently in either British or American English.

Avoid using italics to create emphasis.

Spell out abbreviations and acronyms at first mention. Delete points from abbreviations: USA not U.S.A.

Use double quotes (“) for initial quotations, then single quotes (‘) for quotations within the initial quotation. Always place commas and periods inside quotation marks.

Always use four-digit years: 1970s not 70s; 1980-1985 not 1980-85

Use the % symbol not percent

In-text citation

Following the Harvard style, references in the text should appear as follows:

      Smith (2002) reported that… or

      …significantly associated with time in physical activities (Smith 2002).

For both forms, add the page number when using direct quotations:

      …as Smith (2002: 45) concludes, “gender remains the most significant factor.” or

      …“gender remains the most significant factor.” (Smith 2002: 45).

When there are two or three authors, always use the full form of the citation. Use ‘and’ not &. Example: (Smith and Jones 2003) or (Smith, Jones and Whittaker 2004)

When there are four or more authors, use the surname of the first author then “et al.” Use ‘and’ not &. Provide all names in the bibliography. Example: (Smith et al. 2004)

When citing two or more works by the same author, separate the dates by commas and do not repeat the names. Example: (Smith 1995, 2002)

Add lowercase letters (a, b) to the year of publications for works published by the same author(s) in the same year. Example: (Smith et al. 2003a, 2003b)



JTUR uses the Harvard style for the referencing works cited in the paper. Where available, ensure that you include the DOI for references in the appropriate form. Here are some examples: 

Journal article

Stewart, J. (2013). Tobit or not Tobit? Journal of Economic and Social Measurement 38(3): 263-290.

Kan, M.Y., Sullivan, O. and Gershuny, J. (2011). Gender convergence in domestic work: Discerning the effects of interactional and institutional barriers from large-scale data. Sociology 45(2): 234-251.


Gershuny, J. (2000). Changing times: Work and leisure in post-industrial society. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Bianchi, S.M., Robinson, J.P. and Milkie, M.A. (2006). Changing rhythms of American family life. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Chapter in an edited book

Juster, F.T. (1985). The validity and quality of time use estimates obtained from recall diaries. In: F.T. Juster and F.P. Stafford (eds.). Time, goods and wellbeing. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan., pp. 63-91. 

Report or working paper (provide a web link/DOI)

Billari, F., Guintella, O. and Stella, L. (2017). Broadband internet, digital temptations, and sleep. Bonn: IZA Institute of Labor Economics (IZA DP No. 11050). Downloaded from:  [accessed: July 2018]

Merz, J. (2002). Time use research and time use data: Actual topics and new frontiers. Lüneburg: University of Lüneburg (FFB-Discussion paper No. 32). Downloaded from: [accessed: July 2018]


Cite website addresses in footnotes where the context for citation will be clear. Note that if the address is a location for a report or working paper do not cite in a footnote, but use format given above.